5 Industries That Use Embedded Design
Embedded design has gained quite a bit of popularity in recent years.Given the creation and widespread use of the IoT, and other relatedtechnologies, many industries are beginning to use an embedded designsystem due to its functionality and convenience. We are now in an age inwhich more organizations are realizing the usefulness of embedded designthan ever […]
The Benefits of Moving Production from China to a Low-Cost ProductionLocation
The decision of where to manufacture is extremely complex, with theconsideration of U.S. tariffs on goods produced in China and the Covid-19pandemic this year, companies have increasingly evaluated their supplychains to minimize risk. In this deliberation, many have shifted theirproduction from China to lower-cost locations, such as Thailand, India,and the Philippines, for electronics manufacturing. Here […]
Mars’ Ability to Design and Manufacture Healthcare Products
Mars International specializes in manufacturing partnerships, focusing ontime-to-market, reduced cost, and high-quality production and design ofproducts. Founded in 1964 as an electrical components supplier, Mars grewand evolved, pioneering global offshore manufacturing and a dynamicability to design products ready for mass production. The company’s approach to mass-produced products has made it a perfect fitfor the healthcare […]
Manufacturers: Save Time and Money by Keeping Operations Under One Roof
You have an engineering project, but you don’t know whether independentdevelopment or a manufacturing partnership is right for you. Here are someof the pros and cons. Independent DevelopmentTo manufacture a product, you need the design, engineering, andmanufacturing skills to turn an idea into a finished product. If you don’t have all three of these skills […]
Tips for Creating a Results Oriented Workplace Environment at Home
It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed virtually everythingabout how we live and work. Particularly, many companies have shifted toeither having a fully remote team or a partially remote team as a way tolimit and reduce the spread of COVID-19. Unfortunately, regardless of howgreat a manager may be when working with employees in […]
Internet of Things Implementation: 5 Technology Rating Categories
When designing a “smart” device for the Internet of Things (IoT), you needto ensure that consumers are able to monitor and control their devicesfrom the internet regardless of where its location may be. You will need to determine whether your device will use WiFi, cellular,Bluetooth or LoRa. Additionally, there are four technology ratingcategories to consider: […]
Tips for Creating an Effective Communication Network with your RemoteWorkers
Due to the current pandemic, most companies are encouraging theiremployees to work remotely as a means of limiting and reducing the spreadof COVID-19, and other germs and viruses. No matter how seasoned a managermay be, managing a remote team of workers can be a difficult task that cantake lots of time and energy to perfect. […]
Benefits of Using Professional Design and Development Services
Mars International has a professional design and development team that canutilize cutting-edge technology, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), tohelp you create and design the product of your dreams. Benefits of Using a Professional Design and Development TeamDesigning a product whose quality can compete with others on the market isan arduous and complex task. […]
Beam Safety and Garage Door UL standards
Gates and garage doors are designed to be safe and secure. One of thecomponents that helps them remain that way is safety beams, which are avital part of the structure. But a beam is much more than just a piece ofwood or metal when it is used in this way. There are also mechanicalaspects to […]
Benefits of Domestic Manufacturing
Trends such as innovation, automation, rising foreign labor costs, andtrade wars have resulted in a return to domestic production for manyindustries. Although offshore manufacturing still makes sense from a costperspective for large runs, the cost differential between foreign anddomestic manufacturing companies for smaller runs is diminishing. Domesticmanufacturing provides many other advantages for smaller and medium-sizedruns, […]